After Grad Median Income for Various Post-Secondary Credentials in Manitoba

Yesterday, this blog looked at how median incomes two years after graduation break down by field of study. But the data examined Canada overall, which may have masked provincial trends. Today the blog will look at the same data for the Province of Manitoba, to see if it differs in any great degree from theContinue reading “After Grad Median Income for Various Post-Secondary Credentials in Manitoba”

After Grad Median Income for Various Post-Secondary Credentials in Canada

Ten years ago it was a common claim that post-secondary education was associated with higher median and average incomes. These days people are less sanguine. Recently, there has been more attention on Canadian universities’ glaring weaknesses in preparing the next generation for the labour force. Most of the information readily available from the media doesn’tContinue reading “After Grad Median Income for Various Post-Secondary Credentials in Canada”

Over-educated and Under-skilled

Canadians like to pride ourselves on our highly educated population. However, the country struggles to train its people in marketable and other practical skills. How is such a contrast possible? Let’s start with some education data to illustrate the contrast. The data shown below is from the OECD, for Canada and eight of our peerContinue reading “Over-educated and Under-skilled”

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