Interprovincial and International Trade Comparison

Canada is a vast country with most of its population stretched in a long, discontinuous belt parallel to the southern border. Perhaps not surprisingly, international trade is a bigger money-maker than domestic trade. Here is some data to illustrate.

Canadian TV Viewing by the Numbers

Okay, so now that we have noticed how much time Canadians spend on TV per day, let’s dig into the data a bit deeper and look at how viewership breaks down by age, genre watched, and what percentage of Canadian TV programming are actually Canadian productions. The data below all comes from the CRTC[1], namelyContinue reading “Canadian TV Viewing by the Numbers”

Job Vacancies by Province and Industry

Yesterday, this blog looked at job vacancy data for Canada overall and Manitoba specifically. Today, we’ll break it down further along geographical and industrial lines, to see if CFIB is justified in complaining about a so-called labour shortage. So here is the same Statistics Canada data this blog looked at yesterday[1], only this time theContinue reading “Job Vacancies by Province and Industry”

Secession in Constitutional Monarchies

Secession movements are nothing new. They exist in basically all types of modern state, regardless of regime type, economic status, or culture type. Yet it appears increasingly in a particular type of Western state: parliamentary constitutional monarchies. Canadian readers will be most familiar with the Québec case and smouldering but still latent secession sentiment inContinue reading “Secession in Constitutional Monarchies”

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